Care Staff Wellbeing

Care Staff WellbeingThe COVID-19 crisis has affected everybody, including Care Staff Wellbeing.  Many of us have faced significant challenges, or are feeling anxious.  At Gardiner’s we are always looking at ways we can support our workforce and will ensure a member of the office team is available for you to talk to, should you need it.

This page provides details of some of the many support opportunities which are available free of charge if you need help.  Please do take a look and share this with other colleagues who work in care.

Care Staff Wellbeing – 24 Hour Stress Counselling Helpline

The Stress Helpline is a 24-hour confidential telephone helpline and is available for any Gardiner’s employee to use. Call 03450742799.

Just B counselling and trauma phone helpline

Just B is a free phone line for frontline workers which is available 7 days a week from 8am to 8pm.  It is confidential and you can talk with trained counsellors.  Perhaps you need some emotional support or to talk about the ways the COVID-19 pandemic has affected you.  To speak to the Just B team, call 0300 303 4434 or click the link above.


Shout is a free 24/7 crisis text line. Dedicated support is provided to help health and social care staff look after their own mental health and well-being.  To talk by text with a trained crisis volunteer, simply text FRONTLINE to 85258.  The service is available 24/7 to all UK staff working in health or social care.  It is free of charge on all major mobile networks.


To help support all social care staff in England, the Samaritans partnered with the NHS to provide a free, confidential wellbeing support line. Available every day of the week from 7am to 11pm, 7 days a week, it is run by dedicated volunteers who will listen without judgment and point you in the direction of other useful support. Call 0800 069 6222 for free.

Mind – Coping with going into work during coronavirus

This page from the charity Mind has tips for taking care of your mental health and wellbeing.  It also seeks to help with understanding difficult feelings, and ways to find support.  Knowing how to look after your mental health will help you cope and keep your moods positive where possible.

Berkshire Wellbeing Matters

Berkshire Wellbeing Matters is a well-being support service for all Health and Social Care staff in Berkshire.  It provides free, fast and confidential psychological support.  You can talk confidentially about your mental health and wellbeing.  You will be given advice about resources and services that could meet your needs and support you with referrals to specialist services. Wellbeing Matters Line: 0300 365 8880 –

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