Staff Engagement Survey

A big thank you to all team members who have recently completed the Gardiner’s Homecare Staff Engagement Survey.  We understand the importance of engagement and continuous improvement. That’s why we prioritize gathering actionable feedback from our staff.  We also know how important it is to be transparent, and therefore are sharing on this page the most recent results with you.


All staff members meet with their line manager regularly.  Usually, they meet at least once every quarter.  Since the early summer of 2023, after every supervision meeting, we ask staff to complete an engagement survey.  The staff member can choose whether or not they give their name.

In the survey, staff are asked to rate how much they agree or disagree with a statement.  They grade on a scale for 1-5.  Where 5 is strongly agree down to 1 which is strongly disagree.

The statements cover 7 sections:

  • Leadership and culture
  • My job
  • Client focus
  • Support
  • Training and development
  • Rewards & Recognition
  • Employee Engagement

For each section, the staff member is also invited to raise any comments.  We also ask about each staff members future plans

The latest results

Completing engagement surveys after every supervision started early summer of 2023.  For some, they have now completed this survey once every quarter since then.  Asking the same questions every time allows comparison.

Leadership and culture

The results for Leadership and culture are excellent.  During 2024 so far 88 surveys have been completed.  From this, 76 people strongly agreed that ‘Gardiner’s as a whole is effectively managed and well run’.  The remaining 12 people all agreed, rather than strongly agreed with the statement.  It is also reassuring to see that staff know it is safe to speak up and challenge the way things are done.

This image shows results from a survey indciating to what extent staff members agreed with statements in relation to leadership and culture

We invite specific comments about Leadership and culture.  The responses during the second quarter of 2024 included:

  • The care managers and senior carers in the office are really supportive.  Kind and friendly, they make me feel safe and part of a team.
  • Excellent. Great support. Very professional.
  • Good support from office staff, always helpful and friendly.
  • Since joining leadership/management have been great.
  • A big thank you for everyone’s support.
  • Knowledgeable supportive staff.
  • Everyone is really nice.
  • Very supportive and caring.

My job

The results for the My job section are very good.  It is reassuring to see so many people feel so strongly that they are part of a team.  This is impressive given that most are lone workers the majority of the time.

The lowest rating is for travel time between client visits. Half of the respondents strongly agreed that they were given appropriate travel time between client visits. However, 42% gave the lower rating that they only agreed rather than strongly agreed with the statement.  And the remaining 8% neither agreed nor disagreed.  We are pleased that no one disagreed with the statement.  We know that planning sufficient travel time between client visits is important.  Traffic, especially when crossing the river, can cause delays.  We continue to look for way to reduce distances travelled, especially journeys across the river Thames.

This image shows results from a survey indciating to what extent staff members agreed with statements in relation to their job.

Comments about ‘My job’ during the second quarter of 2024 included:

  • Most of the time there is enough time to get to and from each call but not always.  Same with the length of calls and tasks sometimes they can run over. 
  • There are occasions when extra time is required by some care users.
  • Any timing issues I have are down to me running a few minutes over at duties.  I like to stay the time for each visit, sometimes extra because we start to talk.
  • Really enjoying it.
  • I find the 1-hour minimum visit very helpful as it allows us to complete all tasks.  Also, it gives us time to build a positive rapport with service users.
  • When extra time is required, the care managers provide support.
  • Fulfilling.

Client focus

Our client focus is obvious from the results of this section. 100% of staff agreed or strongly agreed that they would recommend Gardiner’s.  Results indicate that staff agree that they are given Ienough time to deliver quality care.  Also, they agree that  care plans and risk assessments are kept up to date.  Our experienced management team, always make themselves available to listen to concerns.  Where changes are needed, action is taken without delay.

This image shows results from a survey indciating to what extent staff members agreed with statements in relation to client focus

During the second quarter of 2024, the following comments about client focus were made:

  • All clients that I attend duties with have only praise and appreciation for Gardiner’s.  All happy with the service they receive.
  • Clients always come first.
  • Our Care Managers are always available to support, where required.
  • Attention to detail for each individual client is clear.


The results show that our team feel well-supported.  We regularly reach out to staff to ask their views about specific issues.  Also, we always make time to listen to our team members and to look after one another.

This image shows results from a survey indciating to what extent staff members agreed with statements in relation to support

Comments about support during the second quarter of 2024:

  • I have great support from my Care Manager.  Also from all other care managers and office staff.
  • I feel fully supported.
  • Good support from office and care manager.
  • Always there when needed.
  • I feel confident that if an issue were to arise, I could discuss this openly and I feel my concerns would be listened to and dealt with.
  • All staff are supportive.
  • I receive excellent support from my manager.

Training and development

Training and development is a key priority for Gardiner’s.  It is important that staff get the training that they need to do their jobs well.

We know from consulting our team earlier this year that some prefer in-person training sessions.  Others prefer the flexibility of training online or at home.  Some training must be done in person.  For other sessions, we now try to offer a choice.  So staff can either attend a session or plan to do the study at a time and place of their choosing.

This image shows results from a survey indciating to what extent staff members agreed with statements in relation to training & development

Training and development comments made during the second quarter of 2024:

  • Training is always relevant and interesting.
  • Given good time to complete.
  • Always up for learning new things.
  • Vs outside carers, we are well trained
  • Kept well-informed on all training needs.

Rewards & Recognition

For rewards and recognition, this is partly about pay and benefits.  Also, appreciation is shown for hard work.  Concerning pay, 92% agreed or strongly agreed that pay was appropriate.  In the 2nd quarter of 2024, 1 person out of 37 felt that their pay was too low.

This image shows results from a survey indciating to what extent staff members agreed with statements in relation to rewards & recognition

Comments about Rewards & Recognition during the second quarter of 2024:

  • The new Care Friends system earning points is very good.
  • We are all recognised for our hard work and rewarded well.
  • Feedback is given regularly and comments from service users are passed on. This is helpful as it allows us to know what is going right/wrong in our role.
  • Rewards are always appreciated.
  • I always get verbal praise from my manager, which is appreciated.

Employee Engagement

There is very strong support from people agreeing that they would recommend Gardiner’s as a great place to work.  We are proud to work for Gardiner’s.  Our team are motivated to do more than is required.

This image shows results from a survey indciating to what extent staff members agreed with statements in relation to employee engagement

Just one comment was added for this section.  ‘Because I feel part of a team, I want to do the best job that I can for the client and for the whole team and company.’

Future plans

This question asked our staff about their future plans.  58% plan to stay more than 5 years, or until they retire.  A further 26% are planning to stay for 3-5 years.  That leaves just 16% that are considering leaving within the next two years.  The most common reason given for considering leaving was to train as a nurse.

This image shows results from a survey showing a summary of staff members future plans with respect to how long they expect to remain working with Gardiner's Homecare.

‘What is the most important reasons that you want to stay with Gardiner’s?’

Of the answers given more than once…

  • Flexibiltiy mentioned 13 times in Q2 2024.
  • Excellent / lovely company to work for x9 – A company that really cares x5
  • I love work! x9
  • Lovely clients x5 – Rewarding / meaningful job x2
  • Supportive x 9 – Friendly x3 – Colleagues x5
  • Reputation x3 – High standards x2
  • Good pay x3

What do you like best about working for Gardiner’s

Of the answers given more than once…

  • Clients x8 – the interesting people I meet x5 – Making a difference x6
  • Flexibility x2 – Regular work pattern / regular clients x2
  • My lovely colleagues x5 – support x7 – friendly x3 – Feeling part of a team x2
  • High standards / professional x3 – Well managed x2 – Good communication x3

What changes would make Gardiner’s a better place to work?

Of the answers given more than once…

  • More staff get-togethers x4 mentions
  • Pay rises x3 mentions.

Care Quality Commission staff survey questions

Gardiner’s Homecare are regulated by the Care Quality Commission.  As part of each regular inspection the CQC survey staff at an organisation.  Since the second quarter of 2024, when surveying our staff, we ask them the same questions that the CQC will ask.  Staff are asked whether they agree or disagree with each of the following statements.

Looking after clients

  • I have had training in safeguarding from abuse – 100% agreed
  • I know what to do if I suspect one of the people I support was being abused or was at risk of harm – 100% agreed
  • I work with people to help them manage their own risks positively – 100% agreed
  • I know how to effectively support people to take medicines – 100% agreed


  • I completed an induction which prepared me fully for my role before I worked unsupervised – 100% agreed
  • I get the training I need to enable me to meet people’s need, choices and preferences – 100% agreed
  • I have had training in and understand my responsibilities under the Mental Capacity Act (2005) – 100% agreed

Management support

  • My managers ask what I think about the service and take my views in to account – 100% agreed
  • My managers are accessible and approachable and deal effectively with any concerns I raise – 100% agreed
  • I would feel confident about reporting any concerns or poor practice to my managers – 100% agreed
  • I receive regular supervision and appraisal from my manager which enhances my skills and learning – 100% agreed

How we support clients

  • I am told about the needs, choices and preferences of the people I provide care and support to – 100% agreed
  • The care and support I provide helps people who use this service to be as independent as they can be – 100% agreed
  • People who use this care agency are always treated with respect and dignity by staff – 100% agreed
  • The care agency makes sure that people receive care from familiar, consistent care and support workers – 100% agreed


  • I think the service is well managed – 100% agreed
  • I would recommend this care agency to a member of my own family – 100% agreed
  • My work and travel schedule means that I am able to arrive on time and stay for the agreed length of time – 94.3% agreed
  • The time allowed for each visit means that I am able to complete all of the care and support required by the person’s care plan – 97.1% agreed
Gardiner's Homecare
