If you are a carer you may well need to help the person that you care for to move around. Helping people to move safely is really important so that you don’t hurt yourself or your loved one. Consider if you get injured what would happen to the person that you provide care for? Carers often suffer from […]
Read MoreWith darker evenings upon us, stay safe at home. Thames Valley Police are reminding us all to take basic home security measures to help ensure that we stay safe at home. Tips to help you stay safe at home. Reduce the chance of your house being targeted: Invest in a timer light switch. Vary the […]
Read MoreAs we age many of us find that we suffer from hearing loss. Conversation is key to social interaction – our independence can be dramatically affected by hearing loss. This post aims to help with hearing loss and care at home. What is the impact of hearing loss? Imagine being gradually stripped of your ability to […]
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