So, what is adult safeguarding? To safeguard means to be on the lookout for and to help try to protect others in our community who are vulnerable, or at risk of harm.
As a responsible care provider, we have a duty of care towards our clients. Whenever concerned about an individual, we need to take action so they can live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. That responsibility to act is not unique to Gardiner’s or even just care providers. Every one of us shares this responsibility. If you are experiencing abuse, or are worried about another adult you believe may be experiencing abuse, please call the local safeguarding team. If you think that someone is at risk, you must raise an alarm. Everyone can make a difference.
If you are worried about someone, how do you raise a concern?
Firstly, if your concern is about a Gardiner’s client, you can speak to the Care Manager responsible for that client or our Registered Manager. Our team will likely need to speak with the local safeguarding team to pass on the concerns. You may also need to speak with them. You can also raise concerns directly the local safeguarding team.
In every area, there will be a local safeguarding team. These are the people that you need to contact if you have a concern. If the client you are concerned about lives in Berkshire you should visit the Berkshire Safeguarding Adults website. Whilst those in Oxfordshire, here is the link to the Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults website.
The telephone number for Reading is 0118 937 3747, whilst for Oxfordshire the number is 01865 328 232.
If you or someone else is in danger call the Police on 999.
If it isn’t an emergency but a crime may have been committed call the Police on 101
What will happen next
The local safeguarding team will carry out a careful and sensitive enquiry. What happens next will depend on the wishes of the person concerned and the severity of their situation. They will offer information and advice so the person can make an informed choice about any practical help they need or action they wish to take. If they are unable to make an informed choice, care will be taken to support them in the best way possible.
What different types of abuse are there?
Abuse can be:
- Physical – being slapped, pushed or punched
- Sexual – being touched inappropriately or forced to have sex
- Emotional – being shouted at, humiliated or threatened with harm
- Financial – having money and valuables taken without permission, being prevented from accessing own money or being pressured to give or leave money or things in a will
- Neglect – not being given support that’s needed to stay well; for example, not getting medicine, adequate food and/or drink
- Discrimination – being treated badly because of age, disability, race or religion
- Self-neglect – an adult who doesn’t look after themselves, their home or health
- Domestic abuse – which could incorporate all of the above forms of abuse and could include coercive control
Where can abuse happen?
Abuse can happen anywhere
- at home or at work
- in a care home, day centre, hospital
- in any public place
Who can be an abuser?
Anyone can be an abuser – a partner, relative, carer, neighbours and friends, staff…
What are the signs of abuse
- changes in behaviour
- different appearance to normal
- changes in lifestyle, routine or circumstances
- injuries which occur regularly
- unusual difficulty with finances
- over-emphasising that everything is OK
- seeking attention
- appearing to be frightened
- changing in eating habits
If you spot any of these signs talk to the person when they are on their own to see if you can help – they may be experiencing other problems (like illness or depression).
What is adult safeguarding?